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Our Latest News & Articles

At The Wellness Restoration Center we stay on top of the latest studies and interesting stories in the news. We would like to share these with you.

22, Jul 2024

Tips for Eating Out and Losing Weight

Restaurant meals often feel like a treat compared to what you typically make for dinner – and let’s face it, it’s always nice to eat a meal that you don’t have to cook. The ambiance, the presentation, and the flavors…

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11, Jul 2024

Will Hormone Therapy Prevent My Period from Ending?

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) has gained popularity due to its potential to offer a more natural and individualized approach and women consider it for various reasons, such as for managing menopause symptoms and hormonal imbalances. For many women,…

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08, Jul 2024

The Science of Hunger and Fullness

Whether you’re on a weight loss journey or just aiming for a healthier lifestyle, understanding the science behind appetite, hunger, and fullness is an essential first step. These biological processes play a crucial role in how we manage our weight…

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27, Jun 2024

Myths and Facts About Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a groundbreaking and revolutionary treatment for a number of chronic conditions in both men and women, but word of mouth has allowed myths and misconceptions into the conversation. Let’s clear the air by…

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25, Jun 2024

The Benefits of StemWave Therapy

In today’s world, non-invasive treatment options that promote healing without the need for surgery are highly sought after. One such innovative approach is StemWave therapy, a treatment that combines the principles of extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) with the regenerative…

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17, Jun 2024

How Do Hormones Affect Stress?

We all talk about stress – sometimes like it's a familiar acquaintance, other times as an unwelcome guest. But what exactly is stress, and why does it seem to permeate our lives so deeply? The answer lies in the fascinating…

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09, Jun 2024

The Benefits of Weight Loss for Arthritis

Living with arthritis can feel like you’re carrying a heavy burden, both literally and figuratively. The constant pain, stiffness, and limited mobility can make even the simplest tasks challenging. But what if we told you that shedding a few pounds…

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31, May 2024

Three Common Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures

Vaginal rejuvenation has garnered significant attention over the past few years, but many women remain uncertain about what it entails and how it can benefit them. Vaginal rejuvenation encompasses a variety of procedures aimed at enhancing the appearance and…

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27, May 2024

Understanding the GAINSWave Procedure

GAINSWave therapy has shown itself to be a groundbreaking solution for erectile dysfunction (ED). Developed by the leading innovators at DirexGroup, a pioneer in medical technologies, GAINSWave treatment has garnered attention for its non-invasive approach and promising results in…

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20, May 2024

Can Hormone Therapy Treat Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a prevalent condition that can significantly impact a man's quality of life, relationships, and self-esteem. It refers to the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual activity. While ED can occur at…

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13, May 2024

Does the P-Shot Hurt?

Let's face it – the idea of getting a P-Shot, or Priapus Shot, for erectile dysfunction (ED) can bring up a mix of curiosity and concern. One common question that pops up is, "Does it hurt?" It's a valid concern,…

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07, May 2024

Why DIY Skin Care Is Bad

DIY skin care has surged in popularity. After all, the appeal of creating your own products using natural, readily available ingredients can be very enticing. However, this method often comes with hidden drawbacks that might waste your time and money…

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29, Apr 2024

How Shockwave is Revolutionizing Wound Care Treatment

Living with chronic wounds can be a daily struggle that causes discomfort and sometimes severe pain. Traditional treatments often fall short, leaving patients feeling hopeless and continuously searching for more effective solutions. Shockwave therapy is a groundbreaking approach that…

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25, Apr 2024

The Science Behind Bioidentical Hormones

Hormones are the chemical messengers that regulate several physiological processes in our bodies, from growth and metabolism to mood and reproductive functions. While our bodies naturally produce hormones, there are instances where hormone levels may become imbalanced or deficient, leading…

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16, Apr 2024

Do Hormone Levels Impact Muscle Tone?

Hormones play a central role in orchestrating the complex biology of muscle development, maintenance, and tone. From testosterone and growth hormone to cortisol and thyroid hormones, many hormones contribute to the regulation of muscle function and structure. In this brief…

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07, Apr 2024

What is the O-Shot and What Can I Expect?

For many women, the journey towards rediscovering the depths of your sensuality and unlocking new realms of pleasure is not just about physical sensation but about reclaiming a vital aspect of their well-being. The O-Shot, often whispered about in hushed…

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30, Mar 2024

Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

Losing weight is a common and commendable goal for many individuals striving for a healthier lifestyle. However, despite sticking to a diet and exercising regularly, some people find themselves stuck at a frustrating plateau where the scale refuses to budge.…

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23, Mar 2024

What Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Do for You

Our bodies undergo various changes throughout life, some more challenging than others. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can help smooth out some of life’s rougher patches, especially those related to hormonal imbalances. At The Wellness Restoration Center, we believe in…

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22, Mar 2024

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence, is a prevalent condition characterized by difficulty in getting and keeping an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. Despite its widespread occurrence, ED remains a topic often shrouded in embarrassment and reluctance to seek…

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22, Mar 2024

What Are the Benefits of Non-Surgical Vaginal Tightening?

When it comes to women's health and wellness, discussions surrounding vaginal health and intimacy can often be shrouded in silence and stigma. However, thanks to progress in medical technology, women now have access to innovative solutions that address concerns such…

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22, Mar 2024

How to Know If Hormone Replacement Therapy is Right for You

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a medical treatment that has gained major attention in recent years for its potential to alleviate symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances. However, amidst the abundance of information available, understanding the nuances of HRT, particularly bio-identical…

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21, Mar 2024

What is Body Contouring & Sculpting?

Have you ever stood in front of the mirror and wished you could smooth out a stubborn pocket of fat here or tighten the skin there? Then, body contouring and sculpting may be the answer to your concerns. At The…

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21, Mar 2024

Why Diets Fail: Unraveling the Causes and Solutions 

Starting a new diet can be a great way to achieve a fresh start. Yet, so many find themselves back at square one, with their weight loss management goals further away than ever. This cycle of hope and disillusionment is…

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